Bankruptcy is a chance to start over again. It's a way to escape the worries and stress of your debts and get your life back on track. If you've found yourself in debt and you're over your head, without a way out, bankruptcy is a chance for you to start over. If you have decided to file for bankruptcy, there are a few things you should do after you file. Read below for some helpful information to guide you after you've filed for bankruptcy.
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If you meet with a Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney and decide to file for this branch, you might wonder about the steps. Meeting with an attorney is the first step, as this helps you determine if you should file. If you decide to, your attorney will explain the remaining steps to you, and here are some of the basics.
Take Your First Credit Counseling Course
To file for bankruptcy, you must take two credit counseling courses.
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If you have decided that a bankruptcy filing is in your plans, you can expect things to go smoothly in most cases. Your bankruptcy experience can be either quick and easy or it might take a bit more time and attention to be resolved. Read below to learn what factors affect your bankruptcy.
Income Issues – More money is not always a good thing. Chapter 7 filers have to stay at or below their state's median income level or take additional steps.
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Retirement funds are protected from being confiscated in a bankruptcy case to pay creditors, to a point. While ERISA accounts are 100-percent exempt, the funds in non-ERISA ones like IRAs are only exempt up to $1,362,800. If you have more than that, the bankruptcy trustee will take those excess funds and apply them to your bill. However, here are two things you can do to possibly avoid that.
Use Wildcard Exemptions
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When money troubles happen, problems can begin to pile up. Some who want to put off filing for bankruptcy may consider other ways to help them make ends meet and pay the bills. One easy and quick way to obtain money is through a payday loan. Read on and find out more about these loans as well as what might happen when bankruptcy is filed after taking advantage of one.
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