3 Tips For Dealing With Wage Garnishment

Have you been ordered by the court to have your wages garnished and now you are not quite sure what to do about it? You'll definitely want to know the following tips to help deal with part of your wages being taken out of your paycheck before you receive it. 

Know Your Rights

The first thing that you want to do is understand your rights when it comes to wage garnishment. You will want to verify that everything is being done correctly, such as if the maximum amount for wage garnishment is not exceeded. If so, you can take action to have your wage garnishment adjusted to lower the amount that is withheld. Every bit counts when it comes to income, so start with what you can actually do where the law is in your favor.

Create A New Budget

A change in income means that you cannot follow your old spending habits. You'll want to sit down and create a budget so that you know you are living within your means. It may help to look at things on a monthly basis, starting with totaling up all your set expenses for the month. This includes rent, mortgage payments, car payments, utilities, cell phone bills, and things of that nature. 

You'll also want to take expenses that are annual or semi-annual and find out what the average cost is per month. This includes things like property taxes, home insurance, auto insurance, and vehicle registration renewals. You should be saving up for these expenses and not be caught off guard by a bill you cannot pay. 

Next, total up your required expenses per week that are not set, such as your grocery bill and gas. Then list all of your discretionary spending, which are the things that you are capable of cutting if you are over budget. 

Consider Legal Alternatives

Feel like you're unable to get by on the budget that you have? Consider looking at how you can stop wage garnishment through legal methods. This could involve using bankruptcy, which is going to stop the wage garnishment process immediately while the process is pending. You may be able to restructure or discharge debts so that you have money left over at the end of the month. 

It will also help to work with a lawyer that can help give you legal advice to stop wage garnishment. They can help you file an exemption to reduce the amount of wages that are withheld or challenge the wage garnishment so that it goes away completely. 

If you're looking to stop garnishment, legal help is available. Contact a local service today.
