How To Emotionally Survive Your Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy can be an emotional process, so the thought of going to court for it can be upsetting for some. The process can also be very time-consuming. If you are having some anxiety about going through the bankruptcy process, keep the following in mind:
Get Everything Prepared
One way to make the process less stressful is to be prepared. You will be required to provide an abundance of paperwork regarding your finances, including copies of your tax returns, bank statements, deeds, proof of your assets, and anything else requested by your attorney.
Prepare for Your Creditor Meeting
Unfortunately, you will have to go to the courthouse throughout your bankruptcy. However, you may not have to appear before the judge. Instead, you may meet with a court official at your creditor meeting. During this meeting, you will provide a testimony under oath that all information pertaining to your bankruptcy is true. While these meetings are generally held at the courthouse, the court official may opt to meet somewhere else.
During your meeting, you will be asked a series of questions about your bankruptcy. The official will ask you whether or not you have included all your assets and debts in your paperwork, if you have reviewed your paperwork, and if there are any omissions or mistakes you may have on your paperwork. You will also be asked to state your address and if it is the same listed on your paperwork. The official will ask you about your employment and if you have transferred ownership of any assets to someone else close to you.
It is crucial that you are truthful during this creditor meeting. Your creditors may or not be present. Either way, the creditor can object if they do not believe you are being honest. If you are caught lying about any portion of your bankruptcy while under oath, you may have to go before a judge.
Depend on Your Attorney
Your attorney is going to be your best asset throughout the bankruptcy process. He or she knows bankruptcy law best and can guide you through the process. Your attorney will help you work out a plan that will work out best for you and your creditors. If you ever have questions about bankruptcy law, even if you think they are minor, be sure to call your attorney. A minor detail may make a major difference in how your case turns out.